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Aug 2018
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9 days later

Hi Michael, the only way to integrate the Widget into your website is to paste the code directly into your website HTML. Pasting it in a text box will not work. Let me know how it goes!

Some self hosted sites don’t always allow external Javascript calls too, so it may or may not work. Wix should have a “html” or “code” box rather than a text box?


Wix actually has an addin to add html code, but is not a text window. You should look for it in the tools palet. There you can paste your 3d print button code.

Thanks all, widget order button has now been added to my website, right tool for the right job.

Thanks for the support.


1 month later

Believe it or not !! I have just done this this. It’s not official but shows the Order widget box when clicked upon it.

Hers is how I was able to do it. (carried out upon the desktop version of face-book upon a laptop)

Be logged into your 3D Hubs profile and select view your hub. Upon the button marked “Get a quote from this hub” if you right click (rather than left) you should/might get a option to “open link in new tab” left click that option. The order widget will open in the new page. If you look at URL box in the browser you should see a URL, so highlight it and copy it to the clipboard (hit ctrl-c)
It should look something like this: https://www.3dhubs.com/service/uk-b-h-3dprintandstuff/3dprint 1

Now go to your face book page and make a new post. Select the text box and hit (ctrl-v) to paste the contents of the clipboard into that post. Check it’s the same as the one you copied. Now publish the post, then look in the left hand top corner of the post for a V looking symbol, click that and you should see an option called “pin to top”

You should end up with the following post upon you face-book page

Which when clicked will open a new tab, take the user to your hub and display the order wiget

Hope that helps you out.

15 days later
6 months later

Hey guys,

Could you please judge the responsiveness of my website?

It is in Dutch, I will add english in a few days, and of-course is the widget there :).


Thanks in common!

10 months later

Unfortunately this isn’t currently being developed.

Since TALK is now for discussing manufacturing processes and not 3D Hubs itself, I’ve gone ahead and closed this Topic.

Closed on Aug 23, '18