How can I include electronic components in a 3D printed model (such as a drone)? Is there any possibility to insert them during the printing process?
Basically my question is: Is it best to print multiple parts one at a time, or is it possible to 3D print the drone in one go, while pausing the print to insert the wires, etc.
Yes. You can. With certain slicers (Mattercontrol is my personal favourite) you can pause the print and insert a piece.
But honestly, I’d make it easily inserted and disassembled, you don’t want the electronics to fail and have to scrap it, being able to maintain stuff is the best approach.
Small holes and channels, make screw holes for wide-brim screws so that you can screw between some wins and the head locks them down.
Its why standard plugs are better than moulded plugs
Interesting Idea, and I have thought about this one as well, and think it would require stopping the print part way through in order to place the electronic on the enclosure, and then continue to print!
I think with the right machine/software combination and foresight on your behalf in terms of design, i think it is very much possible. Which printer do you have or have access to?