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Jul 2016

Hi n23d,

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate your effort! I’m having more issues with the Ultimaker 2+, right now it’s almost not extruding material anymore. The cable isn’t stuck behind the filament spool: I suppose that there is some kind of deposit of PLA inside the hotend. I tried the “Atomic Test” and that’s the result: as you can see, the issue it’s not in the nozzle or in the filament but somewhere in the hotend. I’ll check it and I’ll update you about the situation

A lot of blind guessing in these replies…

This is a warping problem, caused by the plastic not having cooled down enough in that area when the next layer is deposited. It most likely happens in the sides facing away from the fans. So probably the temp was a bit too high, and slowing down will also help.

I also see that the infill is clearly visible in some parts of the shell. Better set shell to 0.8, that will help. And if you set fill to 100% that problem will definitely be gone. Print time will be longer, but it’s a long print anyway…

Shell was already set to 0.8. Print a lamp with a fill of 100% it’s super long and a waste of material honestly.

In that case, perhaps the infill overlap was set too high ? These lines from the infill shouldn’t be visible through a 0.8 mm shell…