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Jul 2016

Good luck with figuring this one out, let us know any developments! I know how frustrating troubleshooting can be, particularly less obvious symptoms, and especially when it ruins long runs!

If the print was sitting inside the printer as per the second photo you printed, then that suggests that the failed part was at the back, so localised heating issues would seem to be unlikely. Also, only one leaf appears to suffer from this issue.

So, the only thing I can think of at the moment it to use the “cut off bottom object” feature of Cura (15.0x) and start printing from just below where the problem started, and then watch what’s going on. Ideally, video it as well, and make the video very steady. Then we might be able to diagnose the problem from that, or you might do so yourself just by observing what’s going on.

I’ve looked at the G code and there are no extruder retracts or Z hops near the locations where the defect is. The extrusion proceeds smoothly from the

sides right across the face where the defect is. The print looks like the extruder is starved of material in that zone of the print. Since it does not seem to

occur randomly but repeatedly in that one zone it might have something to do with the filament binding when the head moves into that particular location in

that particular direction at that particular height. Once the head is out of that zone the filament moves freely again and the starved extruder issue goes

away. My guess is the wire cable is stuck behind the filament spool and is causing drag on the spool and/or the filament path where it should not be. See the picture.

I drew a red circle on the picture but its hard to see.