Hello, I would like to get the Fairphone certification badget for my hub. How do I go about doing this? Thank you!
Nov '14last reply
Apr '17- 17
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Hello, I would like to get the Fairphone certification badget for my hub. How do I go about doing this? Thank you!
Hey @makersaffair I just saw you asked the question before here, sorry we missed that @Luuk will send you a test order tomorrow if you quality. You need to be in Europe and own a Ulitmaker or Makerbot to qualify. According to your Hub that checks out so I’m looking forward to have you as a Fairphone Hub on 3D Hubs.
Thanks @Brian! Looking forward to be part of the Fairphone case maker!
Good luck guys!
Hi @makersaffair,
I’ve had a look at your profile, and unfortunately you don’t have the right printer specifications to be eligible for this program. Your Makerbot qualifies, but you don’t have PLA added to it. We only work with Makerbots and Ultimakers for this partnership, and the phone cases can only be printed in PLA.
If you add PLA to you options for the Makerbot, and notify me about it, I will send you the certification order.
Hi @Luuk,
Thank you for the update! I have just added PLA as an option to my Makerbot. Could you send me the certification order?
Check your printing queue!
Good Luck!
@Luuk, is it still possible to get on the Fairphone train and also earn this badge? Cheers, Gregor
Why an ultimaker or makerbot? Other printers can do even good if they are dialed in whell enough
a bad maintained ultimaker or makerbot can do worse than a good reprap
hi, is there still a chance to get a fairphone-badges?
i got ultimakers and pla. and last week there was a customer with an fairphone-case.
thank you and greetings from dresden!