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Nov 2014

Hello, I would like to get the Fairphone certification badget for my hub. How do I go about doing this? Thank you!

  • created

    Nov '14
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 17


  • 1.8k


  • 11


Hey @makersaffair I just saw you asked the question before here, sorry we missed that @Luuk will send you a test order tomorrow if you quality. You need to be in Europe and own a Ulitmaker or Makerbot to qualify. According to your Hub that checks out so I’m looking forward to have you as a Fairphone Hub on 3D Hubs.



5 months later
3 months later
24 days later
29 days later
13 days later
14 days later
2 months later

I’ve printed a couple of cases in Australia, would be nice to have a badge to let others know they can print down under!

1 month later

Hi @Luuk how can i get badge for fairphone and other types of badge? i got many printer and many materials and i’ll like to get the certification

1 year later

hi, is there still a chance to get a fairphone-badges?
i got ultimakers and pla. and last week there was a customer with an fairphone-case.
thank you and greetings from dresden!