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Aug 2016

Have had a few prints recently with PLA that look like underextrusion and the only way to get a decent print is to wack up the extruder temperature to 240c!! ABS prints absolutely fine, no issues at 240c. Photo of pink PLA blocks - left is 240c, right is 230c. Grey PLA blocks range from 215c to 240c left to right. Could it be the filament? The grey and pink are both PLA as sniff tested and their full adherence to glass and glue would also confirm this. Have used both these spools of PLA before with success at 220c but now both refuse to work at this temperature. I recently had a blocked nozzle and wondered if I had damaged something however I have had good ABS prints since then. Any ideas what the issue could be? Confused.

Heat your extruder.

While holding the extruder still, perhaps with a pair of pliers and a towel, use a small wrench to take the nozzle off.

Then, with a pair of needlenose pliers, you should be able to pull the ptfe tube.

If it is black or twisted, it needs replaced.

Look at the pictures toward the end of this page Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 9

I am not saying for sure this is it, but take a look.

ABS liquifies better than PLA, and stays liquid longer, as such, can make it through the tube, but PLA cannot.

Likewise, the ABS may be liquifying up the tube more than the pla, or less than the pla…