I have a printrbot simple metal with an e3d v6 and the x axis heated bed v2 upgrade. I am having an issue where my print quality suffers when I print with the heated bed on.
You can see in this picture the difference between printed with the heated bed and without. Unfortunately the print didn’t stick without so that’s why its so small. (sorry about the fingers, My camera wouldn’t focus without them.)
This does not just happen near the bed. I have this issue on prints that are 150mm high.
I am printing at 200 degrees and the heated bed at 55.
Things that I have tried to fix this.
- PID tuning
- Reducing heat on both the hot end and heated bed
- Reflashing the firmware
- replacing the power supply (I now use a 500W with 40amp in the 12V channel)
- reducing extrusion
- tightened belts
- lubricated bearings
If anyone has any ideas on why this is happening, please let me know
What are you using on top of your heated bed? The kapton tape supplied by PrintrBot or other bed adhesives? From my experience I use either BuildTak with my PrintrBot + heated bed upgrade or 3M painters tape + wood glue (PVA). Without the added adhesives it isnt reliable as I want especially when printing larger objects.