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Nov 2016

Interesting @Joerg_4, thanks (although I’m sorry to hear that!). I wonder is that’s because of the limited square build volume? Even in the limited orders I’ve had, I’ve had a couple that may not have fitted the round bed of the Rostock. The largest I’ve had was 220mm x 140mm which (unless I’m mistaken) would be quite a bit outside of the Rostock’s capabilities. The 280mm diameter sounds huge, but the 197mm square limit could be an issue…

No proof, just wondering!


sounds correct, may be this is the reason.

We’ll find out soon, as I am also about ordering a Prusa i3 Mk2 :wink:

Excellent @Joerg_4, it seems like a decent part of the Prusa backlog is just people on here :slight_smile:

Well, you just realized pretty quickly how primitive your “virtual” hub is…

there is very limited things you can do with your hub and there is zero feedback from 3D hubs.

my advice is to get the biggest build volume you can and list all the filament that you have in stock and that you feel you can print reliably.

When will we be able to list precise print volume? Having a list of generic printers is not applicable to everyone, a huge number of 3D Hubs will be using either custom made machines or heavily customised machines, where the build volume might be larger or smaller than the machine on which it is based.

Sorry for the late reply @cobnut - it is recommended that you copy your materials, layer height etc. for your new printer, particularly if it has a larger build volume.

3D Hubs is one of the most flexible platforms I know. They are constantly adding new features and their support is incredible. Please do contact support if you have any questions, I am sure they would love to help you out.

Also you can use the link below to request new features.

http://3dhubs.uservoice.com/ 1