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May 2016

ok thanks everyone for aiding my decision but i think i will go for a wanhao 6 and probably the 3 as well.

I’m using a Flashforge Creator Pro (2015 model) which is a makerbot clone and it works flawless, i can even use the makerbot software without issues and it comes half the prices of the original makerbot printer. The Flashforge Creator Pro costs between 1100€ and 1300€ depending where you buy it.
I’ve already used it with ABS, PLA, PLA-thermossensiitive, Nylon, Flex, Wood, …

The flashforge Creator pro also has a closed case with a heated bed and provides dual extrusion capabilities.
​You can find several shims / modifications for adding a glass plate, additional coolers, several filament spool holders and much more.

Have a look at my collection of mods and shims on Flashforge Creator Pro - Collections - JoPri - Thingiverse 1

Based on the “getting a 2016 best 3D printer guide” on 3Dhubs this device gets a 8.7 score in the enthusiast section and is less expensive than the others in that list. The only minor issue until now for me is that it’s making a bit of noice wile cooling/printing but for the rest i’m very happy with it and defenitly it was a good choice for me. :slight_smile:

Cheers, thanks Mason, everywhere else they are about £700, now i can get two!

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