X3D is offering free sample filaments from our X3D Premium range to any 3D Hub in Australia! Simply order your free sample pack here:
We might even throw in some extra goodies too.
What an awesome initiative! Would be cool if everyone would share their prints in here to see this filament in action. Let me know how you guys go!
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Awesome, mate! Don’t mind if I do 
Would be great to get some feedback and see some prints. Will put them on our website and send a free roll to the best! Thanks!
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Awesome! Thanks for that X3D. I’ll post some photos here as soon as the filament arrives. Wouldn’t mind some of those “Goodies” too… 
So far response has been great - sent out 80 sample packs. Hopefully everybody has received them and looking for your feedback. Till then will take down the sample product off the website. If anybody still wants one - just email us at x3d@x3d.com.au
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This is great, just placed an order - thanks!
Looks like you either put i back up or didn’t take it down properly. Hopefully you put it back up as I just order a sample pack.
We just opened it up to everybody (in Australia only).
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