The manual shows you how to level the bed but it completly ignores the extruder calibration which is *absolutly necessary* before you start printing. I also leveled the bed and startet printing and there was zero gap between the nozzle and the bed.
Make sure your nozzle is clean (no filament remainder) and go to “Tools” -> “Settings” -> “Extruder Calibration”. Take a business card and place it under the nozzle. Now reduce the distance (Z-) until you feel a reasonable resistance while moving the business card. Then finish the extruder calibration.
If you start the extruder calibration and just press ok, the extruder distance will be about 5mm above the bed. So if you start the calibration please finish it correctly!
And another warning: Do not copy large files while you preheat the nozzle (Using the “Preheat” function). The printer will not check the temperature while copying (mine reached more than 450°C at the end of a 55 MB file)