Hi, My printer does not reach the end of a long print before it finishes. It seems to be something to do with the software. when I compare the time it as printed to the percent of job completed. they do not match i.e. on a 20 hour print it might say 8 hours print time and 50% complete. I have changed the mother board but still have the problem. All ideas welcome
Percent completed is really just a measure of the amount of the code it has processed. In this case it has gone through half of the code in the file. This is pretty typical.
Time and % completed are really an apples to oranges measure. You really can’t compare the two to each other.
I occasionally have jobs where it will say 4 of 10 hours done but only 19% completed. It is all dictated by the model and how it is sliced.
Thanks for the reply, The problem I have is that when it reaches 100% it finishes even thought there maybe 5% left to print. or at least I think that is the problem is a 20 hour print to much for the Dreamer? It seems to be ok on smaller prints, could you suggest any other things it maybe.