I level every dozen prints or so, or anytime I see issues. I run 4 flash forge creator pro’s full time. I always level after clearing/swapping a nozzle or switching filament. Typically, I find that level stays for quite a long time.
You should have probably included asking about bed material type and adhesion methods in your survey, as that will likely play a huge factor in releveling. For me personally, I got rid of the silly blue sticker long ago and replaced it with a nice, thick (1/4" or 6.35mm) sheet of tempered glass and use PVA for adhesion. The first layer flatness and adhesion is so good, I can literally hit the button to start a print and walk away without having to watch and make sure things will stick and work right. And when it cools after the print, most prints literally pop right off the glass with minimal prying or chiselling on them.
I don’t have an exact number on time between releveling, but generally the only time I have to is after either working on it, such as disassembling the extruders or removing the bed, or if I get a little over zealous on a print and decide to remove it before the glass has cooled and have to pry it off and knock the glass loose. And even those cases is only minimal touch-up for the leveling.
Back when I was still running the blue sticker on there, I did have to level more often and I’ve had some mechanical issues to deal with such as the two extruders to being even.
If I had to throw a ballpark number out for how many print hours between leveling if there are no incidences causing it to be done sooner, I’d guess 40-50 hours, with many of my prints being in the 1-5 hour range each.
Oh and for leveling, I use a metal feeler gauge that a got from a car parts place… I generally use the 0.127mm gauge, which is 0.005". I think the paper leveling sheet, as someone mentioned, is about 0.007", so I’m slightly lower than the leveling sheet which gives a smooth pressed glass finish on the first layer with few noticeable print lines, especially if you do a bit of over-extruding on the first layer. And if you are leveling with the extruders cold, make sure you knock off any old filament stuck to the bottom of the extruders as that will affect your results…
I tend to level the bed with different materials and heat, like others have stated. The best thing I did was switch to a borosilicate glass plate, this made the expanding and contracting factor very low with a very hot bed. My polycarbonate requires max bed temp of 125 and max extruder of 270 to just barely work, and it throws all other materials way out of adjustment when it comes to leveling.
I found that getting leveling down takes some practice with the Creator Pro model, once you have a system, stick to it. I simply fold a 20lbs sheet of paper in half and light friction fit around the center of the build area. I don’t bother with the outside area since it tends to drive me mad. The longest I ever went without needing to level was with ABS and around 350 hours of print time.
I think Mr. Tang was being really specific with using only PLA and ABS, as those are typically the only two “supported” materials.
If you are printing with the same filament, over and over, you should not have to relevel. If you are switching filaments alot, then you have to relevel. Filament varies in width.
If you level really close to the bed, so the first layer smooshes, you will need to relevel less.
If you print at .1mm, you will need to level more often than at .3mm, as .1mm is more prone to issues when your bed unlevels slightly.
Tighten your bed nuts firmly, not too loose, but not too tight.
I just bought a use FFCP 2016 and I have had a DaVinci Pro Jr for about a year now. I am having so many problems with getting the filament sticking to the glass bed. I have tried everything? Im lost use different slicers filament I cant even get pla to stick. I’m Lost