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23 / 27
Sep 2016


I tend to level the bed with different materials and heat, like others have stated. The best thing I did was switch to a borosilicate glass plate, this made the expanding and contracting factor very low with a very hot bed. My polycarbonate requires max bed temp of 125 and max extruder of 270 to just barely work, and it throws all other materials way out of adjustment when it comes to leveling.

I found that getting leveling down takes some practice with the Creator Pro model, once you have a system, stick to it. I simply fold a 20lbs sheet of paper in half and light friction fit around the center of the build area. I don’t bother with the outside area since it tends to drive me mad. The longest I ever went without needing to level was with ABS and around 350 hours of print time.

I think Mr. Tang was being really specific with using only PLA and ABS, as those are typically the only two “supported” materials.



I do mine every print, since I print with glass plate. It only takes me 3 minutes to bed level so for me its worth it.

Hi @Ernie_Prescott I’ve only had to level the bed when I’ve changed it; in two months of owning a FF Pro I’ve not seen the bed “drift” from its original calibration. It’s interesting to read that some people are having to level frequently while others not at all, I wonder if there’s a difference in the model version; I know the FF Pro has gone through at least one change of build…

Its possible that there are variations in the quality and fitting of the leveling screws and nuts, if they are loose they would result in frequent drift.