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25 / 27
Sep 2016

Hi @Ernie_Prescott I’ve only had to level the bed when I’ve changed it; in two months of owning a FF Pro I’ve not seen the bed “drift” from its original calibration. It’s interesting to read that some people are having to level frequently while others not at all, I wonder if there’s a difference in the model version; I know the FF Pro has gone through at least one change of build…

Its possible that there are variations in the quality and fitting of the leveling screws and nuts, if they are loose they would result in frequent drift.

I do mass production of parts as a business so I use glass plate as my build plate, and that is the reason I have to level everytime I change to another glass build plate after a print. Not all my glass has the same thickness, there are variations to it, no matter how small, it can make a difference. Anyway, it only takes me 3 minutes max to re level, so its no big deal, and it is worth the effort if your mass producing parts like me.

If you are printing with the same filament, over and over, you should not have to relevel. If you are switching filaments alot, then you have to relevel. Filament varies in width.

If you level really close to the bed, so the first layer smooshes, you will need to relevel less.

If you print at .1mm, you will need to level more often than at .3mm, as .1mm is more prone to issues when your bed unlevels slightly.

Tighten your bed nuts firmly, not too loose, but not too tight.