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Aug 2016

Since I bought my printer I’ve been printing ABS without any issues using the default settings:

Feedrate: 40

Travel Feedrate: 55

Bed temp: 100

Print temp: 220

Infill: 10%

Now I ran out of my ABS roll and have had trouble ever since with most prints using PLA, half way through the printer will start creating a layer of stringy mess, I’m not too sure what is happening exactly maybe under extrusion, maybe the PLA is cooling too quickly or temp isn’t right and is melting the PLA filament further up than it should.

Here are the settings I’ve tried (All Infill: 10%):

Feedrate: 40

Travel Feedrate: 55

Bed temp: 60

Print temp: 220

Feedrate: 40

Travel Feedrate: 55

Bed temp: 60

Print temp: 205

Feedrate: 50

Travel Feedrate: 80

Bed temp: 60

Print temp: 205

All result in the same mess around the same layer, then I noticed on ReplicatorG one of the Gcode lines “something will be printed but there is no guarantee it will be the correct shape”. So thought ok it must be the software, but in between all these failed prints I’ve managed to print a door stop perfectly fine which has confused me even more, using the exact same settings as above.

I also checked for the same line in the Gcode for the item in the picture that is still in the printer and could not see it mentioned anywhere, but still it created a mess. The printer almost doesn’t seem to follow the usual route for printing like something is misaligned suddenly half way through.

Is there alternative free software I could try?

Any thoughts guys? Your help would be much appreciated!

See attached pictures.

Your extruder temp is very high for PLA. The most likely cause is that the PLA is getting warm/soft too soon and getting stuck.

I think your layer height may be to large. Double check and see if its between .1 - .3 mm.

I used to use nothing but ReplicatorG. But i discovered flashprint and never went back. 3.12.0 works very well.

It has great options and slices super fast. I also think the quality of the prints has improved due to flashprint.

http://www.ishare3d.com/3dapp/public/FlashPrint-ii/ 6

2 years later
26 days later

Hi @mjh410 what are your print head temperature/fan settings? What material are you using?
