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Jan 2017


I have been using my FFCP for about a 30 days now and have been struggling to get Slic3r to work 100%.

Everything seems pretty good except my left extruder is off by the offset of the two extruders. I followed this video and used all his settings.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Gw6i7qz9I&spfreload=5 122

I think there is differences between the older model he is using and the 2016 version. I have Sailfish v7.8

Does anyone have the g-code for the start and end left and right they could share for the (2016) version?

I have been printing with this but when the printer starts the head hits the front left side as if it is trying to keep moving until it’s heated up. As long as I make sure the prints are in the center I can get them to print but I can’t use the whole print bed.


  • created

    Jan '17
  • last reply

    Jan '17
  • 15


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Have you tried Flash Print, made for creator and dreamer, I use it a fair bit, you can tweek settings.

When you install it and first run you select Creator Pro.

That easy,

You can download the latest Firmware as well.

http://www.flashforge-usa.com/support/downloads/ 149

I have no trouble with it with my Creator, actually, it does a better job on some prints than Simplify3D.

I worked for a while trying to get Slic3r to work but had canned the project. I may get back to it one of these days when I have time.

Simplify 3D works great with these printers.

Sailfish 7.8 is the latest and there is no real reason to mess with it. If you are going to, make sure to get the Sailfish manual.

I have not tried Flashprint lately but I could probably on Friday - maybe sooner. If you want to find a STL to try I can get it also and see how it goes. I know my FFCP’s run great with S3D so they should be in good shape to run Flashprint. We can compare results with similar setting etc.