I’ve done some poking and prodding, and I am thoroughly confused on this one.
So I have a flashforge dreamer, and it has just recently developed this problem where in one specific section of the y-axis, the x-axis grinds and refuses to move.
basically, when I try to print something, the hub will stop and vibrate in place while making this ugly grinding noise (like the one on this article Finder makes grinding noise, offsets print - 3D Printers - Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 6)
then it continues to print but misaligned on the x-axis, thinking the print moved over to the right or left
moving the hub around I’ve found some important details:
- there is one section of the y-axis where moving along the x-axis does not work, it grinds and vibrates and refuses to move.
- it never grinds moving along the y-axis
- moving along the y-axis makes little “bumps”, doesn’t skip, grind or anything like that, just a subtle bump or three. the bumps are irregular (which is the most confusing bit)
- “homing” still works fine, but when you hit “home” while the hub is sitting in the one annoying area on the y-axis, it grinds REALLY badly then homes normally.
- the little bumps are felt on the x stepper, not the y stepper
- when it grinds, the x stepper’s visible gear (the one that attaches directly to the belt) does not move, just rocks back and forth (suggesting the grinding is coming from the inside of the x stepper)
- the belts look fine, I have thoroughly inspected them and it is not the belts that are slipping.
this printer has some miles on it, and I just yesterday brought it out of a dusty garage where it has sat for a few months. I tried to make it print a few times and got one (semi) successful print out of it without it grinding (it was just warped, easy fix).
This is a lot of information. Geez
I spent quite a few hours trying to make this thing work and nothing seems to be working. any help would be appreciated.
Dec '18last reply
Dec '18- 2
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