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Aug 2015
2 years later
5 months later

Hi Steve,

I spent months trying to fix something that looked identical to your print.

Now there’s more than one reason that might contribute to this wavy effect but in my case the right side trapezoidal z nut had about 0.75mm vertical play.

The reason that it propagates as a wave like pattern is simple. As the print head moves across the layer all it takes is a tiny bit of under or over extrusion to start the pattern. On the next line the print head hits the side of that spot and because it’s a little loose the head moves vertically as it rides the bump or dip. Then it tends to expand and get more waves as the print head jumps around. Rock each side of your z axis up and down to see if you have some play like I did. Also check your print head as the play might originate there too.

Hope this may be of use to you.