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Apr 2015

Yes, it’s standard 1.75mm with 0.2+/- tolerance. I’m expecting Flashforge will also bring out their own resin as they have 2 new printers expected out in the next month but I’ll investigate maker juice as well, will have to source myself a resin printer for testing, I’m waiting on the LittleRP at the moment :slight_smile:

Hi Andrew

I desperately need some black PLA 1.75mm before the weekend to finish a job. Do you have any in stock at all? I work in Brisbane west end and was just curious as if you would be able to drop it off to my work or if I could meet you somewhere close to pick it up. I don’t mind throwing an extra $10 in if you could do that for me.



Hi Ryan,

Let me check what I have; can you send me an email (andrew@fabricat3d.com.au) with a contact number and I’ll give you a call shortly.


As a quick update to this, I’m speaking to MakerJuice and MadeSolid.
It looks like I could initially offer MakerJuice at around:

$60/500mL for the G+ Resin
$72/500mL for the SF Resin or Form 1 Resin

$100/1L for the G+ Resin
$115/L for the SF Resin or Form 1 Resin

$20/bottle for the Coloured Pigments

With that said I might not be able to justify stocking the 1L bottles at present as even though they work out to be a little bit cheaper I’m not sure people would readily spend $100+ on each bottle; depends how the market for SLAs goes; could allow me to drop it down further with more interest.

There’s also the colour consideration, you either order pre-pigmented (and then I have to ensure I have supply of each colour) or you have to pigment each bottle… I could order in un-pigmented or pre-pigmented (the former of which means no additional pigment cost for the end user).

Feel free to swing me an email (andrew@fabricat3d.com.au) if you want to chat further, I’m open to any suggestions on bulk buys and I could even arrange a special rate for you if you can bring in some other people who’ll buy as well :wink:

I’m also going to hit up the Flashforge guys and see if they have an indicative price on the resins (and if they intend on supplying them).



1 year later
1 year later

Hi Ryan

I just bought a couple of rolls from That3dstore and they were great. The filament and price is good. They were so helpful - recommended.