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Sep 2016


I completed my V3 3d printer last night, but I can’t seem to get the filament to feed through. When I push it through it seems to get stuck, not sure if I have some misaligned and need to take it apart :frowning:

I tried doing a test print to see if it would feed itself through but no luck there, it started printing but nothing coming out.

Just wondered of anyone could tell me how far it should push down or if It should feel like its being pushed through the gears?

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    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Jul '19
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Hi @vpatel27

Does anything extrude at all or a little bit? What extruder, hotend, nozle, filament do you use? What is a temperature?

Generally you could be able to push material by hand easily. Please specify your setup and may be I can help:)

And last question: can you move out a filament easily or it seems to be stuck?

Nothing comes out at all :frowning:

The filament comes out really easily and is not even warm.

I cant’ tell you what extruder, hotend, nozzle I use, its a printer I built from Eaglemoss, its called the V3

Hey, i also have this issue when putting new filament on my prusa i3 printer. My printhead doesn’t have the holes well aligned. Here’s what i do: Unscrew the fan and heatsink from the printer head(not the fan which blows onto the print surface). Using a light source, locate the hole which leads to the extruder head. You will also see the gear on the extruder motor shaft pressing against a bearing. Now push the filament into the printer head till it hits the gear and bearing. Using the control software go to the position menu and find the “extruder position” setting. Let the extruder move the filament past the bearing and close to the bottom hole. Now grab a small screwdriver and use it to align the filament tip with the hole and get the extruder motor to move the filament down the extruder. Now you should be good to go! Happy printing!

a really good way to align parts is to use filament fed right to the hot end tip and run the filament back and fourth and then tighten. this way you can find any hangups. keep in mind the softer or Brittle the plastic the more chance it has of braking or Jamming. if your using PLA it absorbs water from the air so Seal the Roll when not in use a Freezer vacuum sealer is good but if you use gels packs that come with the spool just put them in a 150C oven for an hour and you will regain there Water absorbing ability.

3 years later

I had trouble getting material to feed. I found that a piece of filament had broken off in the extruder.