Filament for sale at cost! I recently came into a large quantity of filament as a settlement from the 3d printer company that went belly-up after I had already paid them for a 3d printer (which they never provided me). They’re bankrupt and all they could provide me as restitution was their filament supply so I’m just looking to get rid of this stuff and hopefully recoup at least some portion of my loses. Bad part is I don’t have a 3.00mm printer so a good majority of this I cant use myself even if I wanted to, though I do have a fair amount of 1.75mm as well. So the specifics are that I now have approx. 130 rolls of filament that I’m looking to sell cheap to get rid of it. Various colors but a lot of black and white, 1.75mm PLA, 1.75 mm PVA (0.5kg), 3.00mm ABS & PLA. $3-$4 for partially used spools ABS/PLA, $9-$10 for opened but unused spools ABS/PLA, $13-$14 for unopened spools ABS/PLA, and $20 for unopened PVA spools. Local pickup is free or add shipping if not in the #Chicago area. I’ve attached a list of my inventory and a few pictures. Also, if you’d like to take more than a few boxes off my hands I’m willing to talk even further discounts with you. Leave a comment or email me at if you’re interested. 3P3D-FIlament-Inventory (06-02-2015).pdf (39.6 KB)
I saw your post and am interested to learn more. How many 1.75 mm PLA spools do you have? Where in the Chicagoland area are you located? What’s the brand of filament and what’s the company that went bankrupt?
Hey Mike, The pdf attachment to the post lists all the filament information with supplier when possible. Im located in Wicker Park but am out in the suburbs (Itasca area) as well most days. As part of the settlement I cant say specifically the name ofnthe company but it was a local Chicago tech start-up that had a few display models of their printer and took preorders but never delivered a single working unit that i know of before going almost completely off the map (and it **wasn’t** even a Kickstarter).
Thanks for the follow up. I don’t know much about these brands; are they fairly reputable (obviously you can’t know the reputation of the Chinese unknown brand filament).
I think I mentioned we’re in Elgin. I think we would be interested in taking some of these off your hands. Maybe we can meet up next week.
ESun, Inventables, & RepRapper are pretty good suppliers. Have bought and used filament from each of those in the past and havent had problems. The mystery manufacturer I couldnt say but I’m sure Ill end up using some of the black or white 1.75mm myself at some point. Inventables is Chicago based and I believe Toybuilder Labs gets their filament from ESun.
Hey Nathan_Adams, it doesn’t seem like I recieved that email but I may have missed it somehow. Anyways, all of those you listed are still available. Are you local enough to pick them up? I’m in wicker park on the weekends and at night and in Itasca during the week days if either of these locations are convenient.