Hello Felix 3D Printer enthusiastics. Welcome to Felix 3D Printer Talk. If you have any questions you would like to ask, projects or designs to share this is the place to do so.
You can start your own Felix Talk Thread here.
To start… just to say that I am really happy with the FelixPrinter, almost printing 24 hours per day. Good machine.
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Greetings from Italy!
This is my first project with Felix 3.0 Redirecting...
More projects soon 
Hello from the u.s !
I have to say that I am just incredibly happy with my felix 3.0 . It’s not plug and play, but when you get it tuned, it works like a charm. if anyone needs help, feel free to post in this forum, and me , and possibly others will be glad to offer some assistance!
Hello from Belgium,
I am very happy with my Felix 3.0 printer too. Yes it has a longer learning curve but the quality of the prints is really good !
I also like this machine.
It is indeed a bit hard in the beginning, but when you get to know it, the prints are very nice
hey @icecube_it, why not share your print and how you made it, like a maker tale? it looks really cool and would definitely be of interest to the Felix Printers community. cheers!
Hey Johan, will you share some of your nice prints with us? 
I have my felix printer 3.0 now for almost a year. And i’m very happy about it.
I did some modification on it.
- adding some springs to the bed
- adding 2-head
Hopefully some new upgrade are coming soon!
I have a Felix 1.5 and want to know if firmware can be updated to the version that is on Felix download page.
The firmware has never been updated. thanks
Firmware_Marlin RC3_Felix_1_5.zip zip518.1 KB07-05-15
hello everyone, what slicer do you guys recommend on using with the felix 3D printer
Hi i’m from belgium to, what kind of slicer do you use and how are your settings?
Thank you