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Dec 2016

@Robin3D has an “official” test piece been made?

i want to be on this “wagon” since it will indeed ensure somewhat a minimum level of print quality

Also how will you verify this? i could imagine that the hub print the test bit an use a caliper and photo document that it can be printed right.

Just like that you have to print a marvin when you create a hub

And while at it i think that there should be an option to reverify this… ie when hub rebuilds printer etc

Good points, you are absolutely right!

Hopefully one of the 3D Hubs officials will reply to your post, may be @Robin3D



My concern isn’t hitting the targets, it’s people manipulating the system in their favour to receive free parts. Stl files Do Not show dimensions. Only overall. This will not show dimensions of inner details and walls. These new standards make it easy for someone to set a pair of calipers improperly and fight for a refund. Meeting the requirements is not at all the issue and I urge you to please read what we have discussed in the past.

As well if you had read my post, I expressed that I felt a large part of 3D hubs is just mutual trust and proper communication. I explained that my practice has always been to discuss with the customer what is needed for the part and if tolerances are needed. So my question is why does 3D hubs have to get involved now? I saw no issue with the system before. Really feels like they are simply creating problems to fix.

@PlastiPrint3D So I do not see this warning. Can you cut and paste it here?


So far, I am uncomfortable with the wording that has been provided. Perhaps we could give some input on that before it goes live!