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Oct 2015

Please see my last response above with screenshot attached. Thanks for your support!

I just triple-checked some things and noticed that (at least with this order, which was already having TBD issues before that was miraculously fixed) this quote is not being calculated correctly… or maybe it is? This is seriously super confusing, and way less intuitive than things used to be. My price for ABS is .75 per cubic cm. According to this order, this part is 5.7 cubic cm (or is that for all 4 parts??? Really unclear!). Either way, this new calculation system is all messed up…

Hi, why we are still missing grams as price calculation. SLA, Poly printers they using grams not cm. material is sold in kg not meters? As you know 1cm of one material (glass) is different than other (Tango)

This is a great improvement- thank you!

What about pricing for support material? That seems like it would be difficult to determine but a useful feature nonetheless. I know i have lost jobs when i quoted the extra $ for support used.

same with pricing via time. Large prints, complex objects, extra tall prints can have a small surface or volume but take a long time to print due to z height thinking about this would be useful.

I imagine this would be really hard, but if 3hubs ran a web version of say cura or simplify that picked optimal orientation for object based on our submitted profiles inc support, infill etc then we could have option to dl the gcode in addition to stl . Obvs we all have our fine settings and preferred slicers but it could be interesting approach.