It is hard to give you feed back if we don’t know what the common things customers complain about. I work with my customers from start to finish by giving them feed back before accepting a order and keeping them updated on each point of the process. Haven’t had a bad review yet because of this.
Some general feedback ideas based on my experience on 3dHubs:
- I do think providing customers with more details about resolution and dimensional accuracy would be great, especially for customers prototyping parts in generic plastic. Not all generic plastics are the same so fittings may vary due to the plastic.
- Explanation of infills. Some customers have no clue what this means. For part prototypes I’ve printed I have had to explain to the customer that 20% will make the part weak and easily breakable while 100% will make it durable.
- I wouldn’t mind having a infill selection provided to customers to choose what they need in addition to selecting the resolution they want. On my end I would like to set the minimum required infill for each resolution I provide and then Hubs calculates the price. (i.e 0.2 mm with minimum of 20%, 0.1 with minimum of 30%).
- Print supports and removal should be automatically included in price. Some customers can feel cheated if support material service is added to the order after they send their design order to a hub to be reviewed.
- Print Detail explanation. On most FDM printers a minimum requirement of 1mm for embossed/depth of details is recommended for best results.
- Printer Build Volume. Would be nice if printer’s build volume was labeled somewhere on the hub. I get many inquiries on if I can print something that usually is way too big. Would be a benefit to customers if they could search by printer build volumes when looking for a hub. Or explain that if the design is to big to split the design up into printable pieces.
- All Hubs provide photos of the finished product for customer review. I do this as it gives the customer something legit to look at and know what they are getting before the product is in their hands. Also is a opportunity for customer to point out any flaws and give hubs the opportunity to fix before shipping which can result in a 5 star review from the customer.