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Dec 2014

Hello there, I have found numerous hubs in my area but every time I try to click on one it just has a loading time bar and never does anything more and cannot select a hub. I am in south east London. Regards, Ian

Hi Ian,

I’m sorry you’re experiencing some difficulty with sending in your order. We have noticed that some users have had trouble ordering their Fairphone case if they used Safari as their browser, until we have fixed this issue please use a different browser such as Chrome of Firefox instead to avoid this problem.

@Modellus, thank you for trying to help out, it’s definitely appreciated! I noticed that you are located in Lyon, that might not be the most confinient city for Ian to pick up his case :slight_smile:

Best regards,


I’ve got exactly the same problem… (also trying to order my fairphone case) trying since a few weeks already… so it’s not my computer that’s causing the problem?


Hi @marijkestaessen, so sorry to hear about your experience with ordering from us. @Robin3D, my colleague from Customer Support, will get back to you as soon as possible and if you’re still interested in order your Fairphone case, we can definitely help out. Thanks for your patience.