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Aug 2014

I did not get the problem… but I have good results with a Replicator 2 and those parameters (perhaps could help):

  • Material: PLA
  • Raft
  • No Support
  • Profile: Standard
  • Infill: 20%
  • Number of shells: 3
  • Layer height: 0.15mm
  • Temperature: 220°C (really depends of your filament)
  • Speed while extruding: 30mm/s
  • Speed while traveling: 90mm/s

The process is quite slow (about 5 hours for a case) but the result is really great.

Good Tip is print slower at this section. 20mm/s I use and temperature as low as possible. I use 200 degrees.

And use good filament, I’ve a china no name filament and thats a mess. Printing with 205 degress causes filament blocking cause it doesn’t melt correct and with 208 degrees it flows away.

I current use for these cases colorfabb.

Good Tip is print slower at this section. 20mm/s I use and temperature as low as possible. I use 200 degrees.

And use good filament, I’ve a china no name filament and thats a mess. Printing with 205 degress causes filament blocking cause it doesn’t melt correct and with 208 degrees it flows away.

I current use for these cases colorfabb.

@zaxis Yes, that’s spot on. It’s always about finding the right compromise between Speed/Quality.

For this case I found I get good result at 200 degrees at 30mm/s whilst also turning the case so the critical overhang is well covered by the fan. Due to the higher viscosity of the plastic it’s sometimes worth increasing flow by 5-10%.

It’s also worth remembering that if the overhang is close to the bed, the bed temp should be kept to a minmum.

You may also find this plug-in for Cura usefull which allows you to change the speed at a specified Z height http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:\_TweaktAtZ


which design is is - I found that one or two of them have some errors in the stl that cause a wierd z shift just on that point and it means that the printer pops up for a second, oozes and then pops down again and then resumes as normal. I contacted Joris but he cound not see a problem - so I fixed one in meshmixer (the lucky cats case - there was a tear there, and the Day 3 case I edited the Gcode where there was a jump in the z and removed it.)

So it depends on whcih design it is as everything else looks good.


9 months later