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21 / 23
Aug 2014

Hi Guy,

Ah okay, i understand what you say. In my case, the diameter parameter is the same as the filament so this cannot be but in any rate thank you for your explanation. When I receive the filament order i wil try to change some parameters and I will show you the result.

Thank you again for your support.

Good night!


My pleasure Raphaël,

I hope you will succeed in finding the solution because I know it can be very anoiying when things don’t go as you would like to!

Good night,

Kind regards, Guy

9 days later

Hi Guy,

I finally print te fairphone case with a good result! You are the number one! haha

Thank you again for your support, i put you parameters and i change some preset and now the result is much better.

Thank you for all.

With kind regards,
