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21 / 23
Aug 2014

Hi Guy,

Very great job and clean results!

I have some problems to print fairphone case day 1 with my Ultimaker Original in PLA Ultimate-Blue. I will try to put your pressets but i have a litle question. With this color, Ultimate Blue, do you print with 210 of temperature?

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards,


Hi Raphaël,

it is not Ultimaker Blue! I bought the PLA from 123Inkt.nl last december.

To be honest, my experience with Ultimaker Blue isn’t that great; I don’t get good results and I am still trying to figure out why this is.

And indeed, I print at 210 celcius but on UM2. The temperature is not always the same, even with the same brand of printers!

What problems did you have by the way?

Kind regards, Guy

Hi Guy,

Ah okay, i understand what you say. In my case, the diameter parameter is the same as the filament so this cannot be but in any rate thank you for your explanation. When I receive the filament order i wil try to change some parameters and I will show you the result.

Thank you again for your support.

Good night!


My pleasure Raphaël,

I hope you will succeed in finding the solution because I know it can be very anoiying when things don’t go as you would like to!

Good night,

Kind regards, Guy

9 days later

Hi Guy,

I finally print te fairphone case with a good result! You are the number one! haha

Thank you again for your support, i put you parameters and i change some preset and now the result is much better.

Thank you for all.

With kind regards,


Hi Raphaël,

glad to help and good for you that you succeeded now! Thanks for the compliment :wink: !

Kind regards, Guy

4 months later

Dear fellow hubs,

Here a custom design for the FairPhone phone case. In case you wonder what it is about: it is a logo for a Dutch political party. It is printed on a Ultimaker 2 with ColorFabb PLA/PHA filament mix, color: Traffic Red. I have a non-default fan shroud. This really makes a different.

The slicer settings were as follows:

  • speed: 25 mms/
  • layer height: 0.15
  • nozzle: 0.4 (the instructions in the pdf talk about 0.6 which I tried but did not deliver expected result on UM2)
  • temp: 215
  • flow: 110%
  • infill: 15%

I’m not sure about wheter to print no infill at all, or at 15%. (Comments appreciated on this).

When printing I print with the top overhang pointed to the right so the fan blows air straight to the overhang. So the tomato is turned to the left, and the overhang points to the right. This way the overhang gets maximum cooling, which makes all the difference. (And of course the ColorFabb filament is just gorgeous and easy to print with).

Best regards,
