Dear all,
Recoating aged deposition layers in resin vats’ (replacement of silicone layers) has been a topic in various talks in closed and open blogs, already. Again, we’d like to bring that topic to you, also because we like to face honest feedback and discussions to repair solutions, such as the ReCoat Kit, straight from you as being experts in dealing with SLA printers. DruckWege developed the ReCoat Kit to allow an easy DIY repair of the vats with the support of precise dosers and high quality materials. We raised this topic also again because we are part of the user and service provider scene, like you, who regard the operation and maintenance costs as a crucial factor for SLA printing. If you are also interested, we are keen to have this discussion and an open view from your side on the above topic, to ReCoat and other solutions.
Talk to you soon,
More on
Dear all,
the first update is out:
Thanks to all the backers and helpful statements from the community!
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Nice one! How long does it last after ReCoating? Just as a regular new tank and can you just recoat it again afterwards?
Nontheless, great job guys!
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Hey Arnoldas, thanks for your comment. Yes, you can! We noticed good and stable conditions after the application of recoat. In the end, cloudiness occurs in a later stage compared to the original deposition layer, that’s what we’ve monitored. There is a difference in performance. We decided for high quality sources with our suppliers and also stated on this issue with some more details on the Kickstarter Update just yesterday. After reaching the end of life of the coating, you can peel-off the layer, clean and prepare again for re-coat. We will have a Video shortly online to demonstrate the easiness in the Process. Your comment is much appreciated. Thank you!
Nice project, guys, you should definitely list it here: Talk Manufacturing | Hubs
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Thanks! Already done Talk Manufacturing | Hubs, please vote for us 
Hey folks,
we want to inform you, that we did some math and showing you how much you could save with our ReCoat Kit.
Cost Savings
How many vats do you use during the year?
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We create a small video series showing how to apply the ReCoat Kit:
Here is the Playlist of all necessary steps
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Hey folks,
we managed to work out a special coating for ReCoat to reduce sticking and pulling forces between the deposition layer (silicone) and the print model. The coating is designed to match ReCoat, also to be applied DIY. ReCoatTop will be added to the Kit if the stretchgoal can be reached during the campaign. The added value can be find here and here.
hello, my question is ,is this recoat also work for another printers tank too