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Jun 2019

I could use some help from another Dremel 3D20 owner. I seem to have some issues with the cooling on the extruder (mine never switches on, it seems) and I suspect that is the cause of some stringing.

If another owner could drop me a line that would be great! Thanks in advance.

I had same problem while ago but couldn’t fix it. Do you have a 303 error on the display or any other alert the printer gives you?

A friend checked my printer and told me that the main board was not working but he couldn’t fixed it.

No, I have no error message. The fan just isn’t running.

As this printer is still new (I bought it a year ago, heavily discounted, and have not used it for a year until two weeks ago) it could be my understanding of the machine, or just a DOA.

Should the fan normally run all the time or does it start / stop at selected intervals?

If the mainboard is broken you can buy a new mainboard at Dremel, but those are not cheap.

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