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On Sunday all the team registrations for the Renewable Home Energy Hackathon were filled … and more people are still trying to get in! That enthusiasm is a fantastic positive sign for 3D printing enthusiasts like you. Why, because this type of rapid prototyping event creates a market that your 3D Hubs will need to service. This 3D Hubs meetup is right in the middle of all the action!

3D Hubs is about Making. So in order to “MAKE”, you have to hang out with other “MAKERS” and action takers. The registrants of the Hackathon are made up of THINKERS, MAKERS and DOERS, just like you, not to mention the general public who will pop by to see what is happening. Helsingborg is a great city and is not far away at all. The last train for the meetup from Malmö C to Helsingborg leaves at 13:08, and from Copenhagen it is 12:52, unless you want to come earlier to see the event start or the teams in action.

Have you seen many events like this happening anywhere else bringing THINKERS and MAKERS together?

RSVP here now for the Meetup so we can all actually meet up and help you to build your 3D Hub.
