Please find attached the flyer for the ‘Do it digital Day’ at Plymouth Art College on Thursday 27th April.
The day will talk individuals and SME businesses through some of the new technologies in digital manufacturing and automation. From systems and equipment through to skills and training. There will be demonstrations and talks on 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC milling and much more. There are 4 key presentations for your information and then we welcome businesses and visitors to talk to staff and other visitors about business needs, ideas and advice.
We hope you can come along and join us, and we hope that the day proves a useful insight to the digital age.
If you are unable to attend the day but you would like some advice on manufacturing, prototyping, automation or anything else covered – then please feel free to drop us a line and we’d be happy to setup an appointment specific for your business needs.
do_it_digital_day_flyer.pdf (954 KB)