Every delta, by definition, will be inconsistently manufactured as compared to the values in the firmware. There’s nothing wrong with the construction of his printer. His parts are simply deviated slighty from what would be assumed “perfect”. As far as the print you choose to calibrate with, it doesn’t matter. If the printer is configured wrong, it will print ANYTHING off spec. 20mm ,is 20mm… whether it’s on a circle, square, cube or banana.
Yes, agreed. And I stated, either bad construction OR off-spec parts.
While you are correct, that improper configuration will print anything wrong. However, it’s so much easier to identify specifically what’s wrong using a calibration part oriented around showing deviations aligned with each tower. Heck, printing a 6-sided symmetrical snowflake will point to the tower where the deviation lies.
'Set arm_length to the length between joints of the arms. An incorrect value for arm_length will affect the scaling of movements in the X-Y plane - printed parts will come out smaller (arm_length needs to be reduced) or larger (arm_length needs to be increased) than intended.
My Kossel Mini from Builda3DPrinter.eu is correct in the z axis in height, all movements that are 10 mm are 10 mm, but, x and y movements are half what I say, 5 mm instead of 10 mm. I have used the manufacturers specs. and did my own measurements to check. I also still have issues with leveling the bed, I am using Repetier Firmware and it isn’t working.
On a fresh assebled Prysa i3, i had the same problem only in Z Axis.
An object high Z = 230 mm in Repetier - Slic3r
was printed only 130 mm high misured with calipper.
So in Repetier menu /Config/Firmware EEPROM Configuration, i recalled the EEPROM table end i modified only for the Z Axis, the default value “2560” to “4529” after a simple matematical ecquation.
If the “2560 steps per mm” prints the object 130 mm high, how many (S.p.mm) “steps per mm” shuld i use for a 230 mm high printing?
S.p.mm = 2560 X 230 / 130 = 4529
than i saved the modifated to the EEPROM
The next printing was high exactly Z = 230 mm
any way i think that the Taede’s http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:745523 59 , is a gran tool!!