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Sep 2016

just as the title says I have a under extruding issue with my davinci 1.0 there are no clicking sounds comeing from the head but there is a popping sound almost like a over heated plastic popping sound. I am using abs but at temps between 225-235 the sound stays the same wether the temp is hotter or cooler. I have printed a ton of stuff at this temp no issues till now. I can get the under extruding issue corrected now buy turning the filament rate up to 130% and slowing the head down to 80 what would have caused this issue all of a sudden. I cleaned the head very well and insured that the bed is leveled and at a sheet of a4 paper away from the head. The head has not been removed at this point. Any thoughts or has anyone gone through this.

  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Sep '16
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Have you tried cleaning the nozzle thoroughly? Retract the filament from extruder at 150 degress ish so not to leave the end molten bit behind. If you still have some pokey tools use that to scrape the nozzle hole out, if not a .3 or .4 pin drill is best, small resistor legs work in a pinch but not very strong. Other than that could the filament have absorbed a lot of moisture? I have lots of fish tanks in my room and havent had moisture problems so i wouldnt expect this. Let us kmow how you get on. Chris.

Potential issues:

New/different filament w/slightly different diameter.

Increased moisture content

I guess you have flashed you’re printer?

So if you ramp up the extrusion speed you’re able to print just fine with you’re printer.
My gues would be that there is to much friction on you’re filament so the head can’t feed it like it should or there is to little ( the gears might be misaligned or somthing like that.