I have a printrbot simple maker 1405. I am trying to print with Cura and I am getting very weird errors. For instance the Z axis is not calibrating I recently got the error message that nine plug-ins are still active from the last session. restarting my computer and reinstalling Cura does not seem to get rid of this problem. The next debugging step I am going to try is restoring my computer (MacBook pro) to factory settings and reinstalling Cura. But that is kind of the nuclear option so I wanted to ask for advice first
pause at height and tweak at z 4.0.1 are the only plugins so something really weird is happening
I have tried using repetier and when I do Slic3r quits unexpectedly.
a video of the z axis calibration problem - YouTube
June 25, 2015, 10:22am
Hi Patrick, I use an iMac with a Metal Plus Dual Extruder so I should be able to help. Absolutely do not reinstall OSX just because of this problem, it is highly compartmentalised like Linux so if a program is responding oddly it’s rarely because of the OS.
A few initial questions:
Is your Simple maker a recent build and purchase or has this problem just presented itself?
Which versions of Slic3r and Cura do you have?
Could you copy and paste your start and end g-code and all of your machine settings to this post? If you’ve never accessed the machine settings just type ‘M501’ into the serial terminal, at the bottom of your Pronterface window in Cura, and you should be presented with a large block.
Hi Miller,
Thanks for helping me avoid the nuclear option. I got my Simple Maker in May of 2015. It worked for months before developing these software glitches. Back before the software glitches I printed with Repetier and Cura once. It was a weird stingy windy print but the software talked to my printrbot. I have Cura 15.02.01. I have Slic3r-OSX-uni-1-1-7-stable. I have Repetier Host Mac_56.
I think this is not what you are looking for …
;End GCode
M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
I will try to find what you are looking for
June 25, 2015, 2:15pm
And the start G-Code?
Is the filament retract the entire issue or has the clicking/whirring at the start of the print also recently manifested? I noticed it’s not cutting into the plumbers tape at the start so I’m guessing the height is fine.
In the interest of time, I’ll lay out some possible solutions for you to try:
1.) Run the print using this start G-Code:
G28 X0 Y0; home x and y
G29; levelling routing
M117; start print
This is based on the theory that the start G-Code is causing the massive unwanted retract which is in turn preventing the print from going ahead properly.
2.) Retrace your steps in setting up the machine on this page to make sure it’s not a settings issue within Cura, a bit redundant but I’ve had this issue before.
3.) Download the newest version of Slicer here , I was using an earlier version for a while and it was slightly buggy on OSX, and quite slow to generate G-Code, which could introduce issues to your output.
4.) I’m usually not keen to recommend a different software solution, because I understand it’s a pain relearning/re-familiarising, but MatterControl has been an outstanding tool for running a printer from my Mac, Cura was too unreliable and crashed every five seconds, and Repetier is highly outdated on OSX.
5.) If it’s not the start G-Code, setup, slicer, software or wiring (check that too) then try reflashing the firmware. The guide on it is here , and it’s far less painstaking on a Mac, perhaps slightly contrary to trend.
If you get stuck on any of these points be sure to give me a shout.
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The height is a little bit high but I found a way to compensate for that (by printing a raft).
the retraction recently manifested at the same time as the z height.
whatever software glitch made these multiple glitches occur, may be the root cause of a new glitch. I can turn the power on and the green LED comes on but the print doesn’t connect via USB. (I have tried unplugging and replugging the USB) Redirecting...
My my brother thought of a work around the “9 plugins still active” glitch. Logging into a fresh user account has a clean slate (like restoring to factory settings) but I still can’t connect to my printer via USB.
sounds like mater control is worth a shot
It looks like my problems were the Printrboard going bad. It started with the printer no longer auto leveling and ended with the printer not talking to the computer. here is my conversation with Printrbot zen desk.
me: I have a Printrbot simple maker rev F 1405. I have been printing with a OS X operating system. my attempts to use Cura have been much more successful than my attempts to use Repetier. both Repetier and Cura have had multiple software glitches (https://www.3dhubs.com/talk/thread/cura-plugin-glitches-and-printrbot-auto-leveling#comment-16689 ) and eventually the printer just stopped talking to my computer (http://help.printrbot.com/Answers/View/6875/Neither+Repetier+nor+Cura+recognizing+working#answer18394 ). I reflashed the firmware and some of the glitches persisted but I could work around them. now my printer is not talking to my computer again and when I try to reflash the firmware it says “printer not detected”. I have tried multiple cables and cannot think of another debugging step. do you have any advice? I would be willing to remove my printrboard and send it back to you for diagnostics.
I really want to give your company a fair review (https://pintstein.wordpress.com ) but as it stands right now I would not recommend that most people buy a printrbot or a M3D.
ZenDesk: First I would make sure that your power supply is functioning. It has a blue LED on it if it is the laptop style. Also if power is getting to the board you will see a green LED if you look through the SD card slot.
One test to see if the printer is able to print is to try printing from the SD card. If you can successful print, then there is an issue with the USB communication. From your description it sounds like the board is suspect.
Can I print directly from an SD card, without a computer?
If both LEDs are lit and you can’t print from the SD card, then it is your board.
Unfortunately you are out of the warranty period for kits:
Replacement boards can be bought from our online store.
**Me:**Thanks for the info! I’ll try the SD card on monday. I ran my Printrbot a lot in the 3 month that I have had it. If I can’t resurrect my printer, I would buy a printrbot play before I would buy a new board for $100.
My printer can print .gcode files generated by repetier or cura if I name them auto0.g and put them on a micro SD card in the printrboard! So my Printrboard is not dead yet. My computer just has some really weird software errors that I can’t resolve by restarting the computer,or reinstalling the software.
I know this post is old, but I thing the issue is your Z offset is set too close to the build plate.
It’s not enough for it to crash, but just enough for the build plate block off the nozzle.