i am a criminal but i had contact frenc police for a plaint
this seller is a thief
i just want one thing my moneyu, i sent him his card
i am a criminal but i had contact frenc police for a plaint
this seller is a thief
i just want one thing my moneyu, i sent him his card
You are a crimminal person prof2meca, posting false information. There are more than 500 modules working worldwide … probably you are someone related to 3DS … posting false information to afraid people … be careful because I will report you to the authorities
which is a criminal :
the personn which inform or the seller which sell an expensive fake ?
you can contact police, i am just waiting for that !!!
Please that is not a problem every body will know that you are a thief
You are a big liar !!! When i told you that the card didn t work you told me that it was not true. You did not want to regill my money so i had to create a litige on paypal I can publish all mails !!! If someone wants i can send photos about your wonderful card and the superb quality of electronic and printing package… I have nothing to sell me im not a liar. Il just want to be refund so i continu to inform An other proof tha you are a liar : i created the litige on paypal it is right but you can close it by rfilling the money So to all customers be carefull. An other question : how is it possible that you are the unique personne in the world which can crack the security of cardbridge chip of 3dsystems printers…
Thank you, you are helping me to sell … I have devices working in more than 50 countries, if someone need just can talk with a customer in a near location, very simple. Probably you are someone related to 3DS, it’s funny
Soon there will be available devices in distributors worldwide … people just see working then buy
I enjoy to help I prepare something in my dacebbok page For all customer : don t this shit there a free software !!!
Be careful of CUBE3DFREE
It a liar and a thief
He sells an expensive shit, don’t trust him !!!
PayPal gave me the win in the dispute, however the value you paid in the module was sent back to you. The module you sent us was working perfectly, and is now working in a CubePro in Germany.
Chip reseter and unblockers available for CubeX, CubePro and Cube Printers … www.cubesaver3d.com 2