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Jan 2017

Also check your speed, i was having an issue with shifted layers on my “y” axis and it ended up being the speed was set too high and would cause the stepper to skip steps.

10 months later

I had a problem problem like this, for me it was a continuous shift to the left of the x axis. Sometimes it was better and sometimes worse, printing speed had a small influence (slow speed = less leaning to the left), but I couldn’t get rid of the shift totally. I checked everything with the machanics, disassembled and reassembled everything. I switched the x/y steppers and even the stepper drivers boards. I replaced the x stepper wires and used a cable chain. I searched the Internet for a solution but sadly found only some posts like this with no answer in the end.

Then I found this post: Redirecting to Google Groups 34

The problem occurs because of an EMC problem with the stepper wires and the endstop wires laying in parallel.

I would not recommend the approach discussed here: Redirecting to Google Groups 7

additional filtering can only work in same cases and even a change in cable length can make this not working. I would suggest to switching the cables for shielded ones, but where should the shield be connected to?

For me the following solution worked: reroute the stepper cable inside a cable chain coming from the back of the case. And route the endstop cable from the front (where LCD is sitting).