I’ve been prinitng with my CTC printer for about 250 hours now, at first with right and then later on more with left extruder.
Recently I broke thermocouple wire on the left extruder ( heating failure #4) so I switched to right extruder. Now the problem is that temparature on the right extruder is constantly rising. Even if I turn printer on and don’t do anything, it goes up, past 280 degrees and then it shows “Extruder failure! Temp limit reached. Shutdown or restart.” error.
Now every now and so the thermocouple on the left starts working and then the temparature on the right extruder is normal (stable).
Can somebody help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
your lucky mate i blow the temperature sensor IC on my pinter i am lucky i can solder you have to be careful with these printers becouse there is no import protection and 24v is bad for 5v IC