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Sep 2015

I’m curious to know other people’s experience with the CTC printer. I have two and have had varying degrees of success. I love the printer for the price, but there are definitely some issues with it.

Please take a look at the survey below and share your experience with others. I promise this is not spam or a virus and you don’t have to share your email or other information.




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    Sep '15
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    Sep '15
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Love mine to bits going to buy another one best upgrades you can do is fix the heated bed sensor which I did and upgrade extruders, lights, glass bed and enclosure and an active cooling fan and overhead spool holder

Hi iCloud,

Do you have links to where I can get your said upgrades- mainly the upgraded heated bed sensor and extruder?


Thanks for that information. Can you please explain a little more about the 100kOhm thermistor?

So the printer uses a thermistor soldered to the bottom of the build plate. The resistance is a function of temperature and the control board uses this resistance value to decide if the plate is warm enough to print.

I’m assuming a 100kOhm thermistor is more accurate since you have better resistance resolution over a set temperature range?

Does the firmware need to be modified on the CTC to take into account that a 100kOhm thermistor was added?


Yes exactly that but the 100k thermistor replaces the 120k ohm resistor I think it is currently installed and when I set my printer to 110°c the top reads 105 and bottom 108°c