I am so surprised at how many replies this topic has gained. This topic was made in order to fix this part which i have now done with plenty of ptfe tubing I can use for the future.
The thermal barrier tube is held by a set screw. Unscrew that and take it out you’re done. Btw you shouldn’t mess with ptfe lined tubes…AT ALL… EVER. There’s no possible way to print reliably with this printer unless you get threaded thermal barrier tubes with no ptfe, and with thermal paste on the cold side of tyre tube ( not the side that screws into the heater block) , and thermal paste where the heatsinks touch the block. If you stick to ptfe lined barrels all I can say to that is good luck!
With all due respect, although its a “clone”, makerbot released drawings to their replicator 1 that were wrong on purpose so all the Chinese clone makers got suckered. Original makerbot had threaded thermal barriers and worked.
My new CTC (one week old) clogged last night. I just removed the tube completely. It still printed just fine. I had done the same thing to my Da Vinci 1.0 and it always seemed to work fine.
Don’t remove the tube. Buy a new one and put it in there if not you will have nothing but clogs. Also a but of baby oil helps a ton. I usually have it on a lint free cloth piece and when the filament is being pulled it passes by the baby oil just enough to keep things lubed. Not really needed for oily filaments like abs, but pet, pla, XT and so on do need it and makes it print very smooth. Haven’t had a clog since I started doing this baby oil trick.
Anyone else find a good US supplier for the 3mm x 2mm PTFE for CTCs? I found this thread when searching and ordered some from here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F64O7ZS 5 and got it quick and it was enough to replace the tubing in both heads on my CTC Dual and I have just enough left for 2 more, but this is one of the only US suppliers I found.
At $11.99 for such a small amount, I think it’s better to just order from China and wait. Order a bunch so you have plenty on hand. I ordered some and cut one piece so far, and it looks like I have enough to cut plenty more if needed.