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2 / 13
Dec 2015

Is there a Milano’s Professional Team who is interested in collaborations with us?


Sempre lieti di collaborare, ma per cosa ?


Che tipo di collaborazione ?

Io avrei un negozio ed un ufficio in Milano centro, zona Moscova Garibaldi.

salve, che tipo di collaborazione? Posso fornire anche un servizio di scansione 3d

Hi Hubers,

Thank you for all the response we received. We would like to be bit more specific on the collaboration request.

We are looking for business partners who could work with us as a commercial collaborators to sell Zortrax.

(We are not looking collaboration in 3D Printing Services because 3D Hubs itself provides that service).

We thank you for all the responses and looking forward to find some good business partners.

Thank you

3DP s.r.l.


Hi, we already sell Zortrax, if you want you can contact us here: info@solid3dprinting.it

Best regards,

Mauro Maffini