What is the cheapest printer out there and where can I get it?
Also, what are the benefits to having a more expensive printer?
This one is fairly cheap and prints great but lacks the heated bed
The Turnigy Mini Fabrikator is $177.
One of the major features a higher price will add is a heated bed, but besides that ease of use and reliability both generally go up drastically as the price increases. More expensive printers will use better parts as well as be built more solidly, so you’ll experience less maintenance due to parts slipping and throwing off calibration (which sometimes happens to less expensive printers).
Thank you Karl, would investing in a more expensive printer and making a hub be more cost efficient long term?
Thank you, Carter Jackson.
Thank you, as I have asked Karl, would investing in a more expensive printer and making a hub be more cost efficient long term?
Thank you, Carter Jackson.
It very well could. There are two ways to look at it get a cheap entry level printer. Learn and get a feel for 3D Printing. Create your hub and you could easily pay for the printer and then upgrade to a more robust one.
The other option would be to go for a more feature rich and robust printer. You will probably learn faster and have less troubles. You could list your printer on the hub and start doing prints for people.
You can make any printer a great one you are willing to put in the time to understand it and do some upgrades. You may learn more with a lower 3d printer applying upgrades and tinkering but you may be more efficient with a higher end printer. Guess it just depends if you like to tinker or if you would like just print without as many problems.