Hi, I going to buy my first 3D priner. I going to print some devices parts etc. I prefer assembled printer but not nessesery. My favorites are Anet A3 from Gearbest or CTC Bizer. Prices are the same but I dont know which one choose. The most important for me is reliability, print quality and easy to use.
June 21, 2017, 8:56am
What about Anet A6? which is cheaper and bigger print size
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Take a look at the QIDI X-one. Great printer with superb support.
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June 21, 2017, 2:23pm
it’s ok if the price is ok for you
I will be different and suggest that you first watch this YouTube video by Thomas Sanladerer, a respected 3D printing information source.
Budget 3D printers might cost you more overall: How much YOU should spend!
Given that you put “reliability, print quality, and ease of use ” at the TOP of your list, I suggest you do NOT buy a cheap printer.
I have enough experience to have built my own printer from scratch, and in my opinion, the minimum amount of money you can spend for those three qualities is to purchase the Original Prusa i3 MK2S, which is $699 US if you are willing to put it together yourself and $899 if you want a “fully built, calibrated, and tested” version .
Here is a link to a professional review of it on this website and here is a link to what the users say about it .
Pros and Cons
Print quality
Build volume
Open source
Noise level
No dual extruder
If you would like to build your own clone of this printer for as cheaply as possible (which would teach you a lot, but take a while and not be easy if it is your first printer), then Thomas Sanladerer made a video series called “Building the cheapest possible Prusa i3 MK2” and corresponding webpage with links on where to buy all the parts.
I promise you that if you spend any less money than this on a printer, you will find that you do not get all of those qualities all of the time, and you will likely reach a point where you’ve spent more time/money combined on it than simply purchasing an Original Prusa i3 MK2S. You’ll wish you had purchased something more expensive.
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June 21, 2017, 5:35pm
No problemo.
Thanks for the links
You are right, but I don’t afford a more expensive printer, and I know a 10000$ will have even better qualities.
My printer already made it’s money and still working fine (only I had to change the bed connector)
Have a nice day.
Having a cheaper printer is great if you love fixing things and the satisfaction of making it work. Maybe a cheap printer is good for you. I got a cheap one to start off, too. I don’t recommend it if you want reliability, print quality, and ease of use. I wasn’t giving a tip to you, though. I was answering Rafix095 ’s question.
Rafix095 :
Realize that you WILL spend more money on 3D Printing after your initial investment.
If you buy a 200 dollar printer, then you’ll probably spend more money on filament in the first year than you paid for your printer!
If you buy a 200 dollar printer, you will probably spend lots of time fixing it, upgrading it, and just plain trying to get it to work.
The Original Prusa i3 MK2S is one of the lowest cost printers you can get where you get a good amount of reliability, print quality, and ease of use (and you can make a pretty good clone designed by an expert for even lower cost if you follow Thomas Sanladerer’s guide).
June 22, 2017, 9:04am
I think FINDER from Flashforge is the best choice.It’s reliability,high quality and easy to operate.Just check it in the Amazon.
And what about Wanhao Duplicator i3? it’s about 400€ and looks better than Anet
If you are willing to spend 400€, save a month or two and spend 625 instead for the Original Prusa i3 MK2S.
My first printer was an Anet A8, and within a few months I had spent more time (failed prints and maintenance work) and money (fixing) on it than the price of a MK2S, and I wished I had gotten one of those instead.
It doesn’t even have to be a MK2S, I am just using it as an example because every review ever says this is the printer with the greatest value for your dollar.
June 23, 2017, 5:45pm
My first and last printer is an Anet A6, and within 6 months I noticed that it can print excelent at 0.05 mm resolution (even at 0.02, but is too less material to make something), even though the specs are 0.1-0.3, I can heat the bed at 110 centigrade even though the specs are 100 maxim (I admit I had to replace the connector). And one problem, I have to re-level the bed almost every time I change the filament (perhaps i push it too hard).