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Nov 2015

If your budget allows for it you should look at the Rapid Shape S series. Its 25 micron x/y/z with castable resins.

Thank you for your input but yeh that’s too much for me. My budget is under 10k

Also, consider the Titan 1 DLP resin printer from Kudo3d.com

It is a great printer with very large build area and does excellent ultra resolution printing with the castable 3DM resin.

This is just assumption, but is it so that laser beam should be focused on sertain level or layer where the intensity of light is high enough to cure resin… I assume that the “master” beam that you have read from the reviews, is size of 140 micron… when it goes through the mirrors and lenses the size of a laser spot on surface of vat is something else… much smaller I quess. This is same thing with laser cutters. Laser beam need to be focused on right level to make good engraving.

They probably give you the right answer if you ask it directly from Formlabs.

I asked for sample prints and you are right. The job is really fine and the details of micro prongs are definitely smaller than 140 micron.

I am looking into this machine and it looks great. However, relatively new company and not much feedback on the product make me nerves to jump on. Very large and very good resolution are real attractive factor though.