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Jul 2016

Hi Guys,

Hoping I can get some ideas on a problem I can’t seem to solve. I’ve got a MKS gen 1.4 board to replace a bad Meltzi Board from a terrible aliexpress vendor that won’t respond. I’ve tried specific Marlin firmware for MKS gen 1.3, the stock Marlin firmware, Osoyoo Specific firmware for both the reprap graphic controller, and full graphic controller. The farthest I got was the osoyoos firmware here:

http://osoyoo.com/2016/06/30/mks-1-4-3d-printer-board-marlin-firmware-installation-guide/ 542

Where the screen would flash and beep constantly, and the blue light would flash when turning the knob on the display. I’ve used the proper motherboard settings on the on all of them(33), multiple different LCD controllers and really am at a dead end here.

So my question is this. Is there a way verify the firmware is even working properly without an lcd panel functioning? Is there a proven path to get these boards functioning? I’ve got a spare ramps 1.4 board and it worked flawlessly with the LCD panels I’ve used. Any help would be appreciated.



  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    May '19
  • 17


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10 months later
1 month later

These boards are cheap but very unreliable. I have burned mosfets, plugs, low 5v and a lot of similar stories from my experience. But if you know what you do and build the printer for yourself these are all good options.

5 months later

I know this is kind of an old threat, but could anyone tell me if this works the same for an anet LCD12864?

1 year later

This worked for me as well. Rather than trimming the plug, i cut the socket with a hole on the other side.

1 month later
1 month later

if after flipping the connector, you only have a blue screen with no text (on an ender), go back into Marlin and comment out the LCD lines like:

and only uncomment: