Hi, i have a problem with my printer that i’m not able to solve, i hope someone could help! I have a BQ Hephestos 2 that i used last year with satisfaction, but recently i start to have problems. Between the 5-10 mm of heigth the extruser starts to hit the printed piece. I don’t know what to do, i try to update the firmware, test some other profiles, calibrate everything again, check if everything seems ok but i find no solution to this. Someone could help? Thanks
Hi, maybe i find the problem, yesterday i realize that the Hotend/Extrude cooler fan doesn’t move, even after pass the point that i defined to start cooling (0,4mm). I unmount it and the black (negative) cable is unplugged from the motor. I try to connect it and directly give 12v but it doesn’t move. Could this be the reason for the problem?
PS.: I already test if manually the z-index is able to go up and down and it seems ok (despite a slight noise that should me normal), the inductive sensor works good as well.
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Como se entiende que empiece a imprimir y luego golpee la pieza? o bien no tienes bien calibrado el eje Z o se te esta calentando la electronica demasiado…
September 20, 2016, 11:01am
Which Slicer do you use? Have you tried another?
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Hi Pedro,
did you check both plastic nuts in the Z-axis?
Due to their plastic body and the metal screws that fit into them, maybe they have been worn out.
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Hi Pedro,
I have a BQ prusa hephestos 2 as you, in my case from April’16, I never experience this failure but i think this is a mechanical problem with the Z axis system, I suggest you to manually (using control menu) up the extruser and measure if the real distance is exactly the expected., maybe something is difficulting the Z movement.
I hope I was useful
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I had a similar problem with my Prusa Hephestos. In my case the screws that hold the extruder head were loose and the extruder, after some layers hit the piece.
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hi pedro, i have this problem 2 weeks passed and i re-init my 3dprinter ( manufacturer re-init in the menu )
No pbs at this time now.
A bug with a gcode model i think or with cura software.
good day
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Dear Pedro,
Do you mean the extruder doesn’t lift anymore or drops? If previous posts didn’t work out;
There might be a problem with the sensor and you could first try to test it: Switch the printer off and then back on and then test the sensor function: check what happens when you put a metallic object right next on the sensor. Then you can keep moving it away and closer again to test how the sensor responds to the varying distance to the metal object (when it is close the red light should turn on.
Although it seems unrelated, please format the SD card (to FAT32) or use another one and check if that makes any difference.
if you keep having trouble i suggest you send an e-mail with your serialnumber to support.en@bq.com
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Hi, maybe i find the problem, yesterday i realize that the Hotend/Extrude cooler fan doesn’t move, even after pass the point that i defined to start cooling (0,4mm). I unmount it and the black (negative) cable is unplugged from the motor. I try to connect it and directly give 12v but it doesn’t move. Could this be the reason for the problem?
PS.: I already test if manually the z-index is able to go up and down and it seems ok (despite a slight noise that should me normal), the inductive sensor works good as well.
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Dear Pedro.
Is possible to atach a short video of this moment, and few shots of the LCD? (for have more information…)
Puedes enviar un pequeño video y un par de fotos de la pantalla LCD para ver un poco de información?
Un saludo.
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