My wife has a embroidery machine from the 1990s and a plastic or nylon gear has broken, a repair man had it for 6 months and tells me the part is no longer available, is it possible to have one 3-D printed I live on oak island nc
near Wilmington NC
thanks for any help you can provide
First thing I would do is to scour the internet with google. Also ebay. You may be surprised what you find. The gear is most likely used in other things or models of the machine.
It is possible to print one. The catch is that it needs to be draw in order to generate the file to print from.
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I have a customer that needed a gear for a printing press. I designed it up and 3d printed it for him. He would have had to buy the steel shaft with the gear for about $800! I saved him a lot! Take a look at the picture on my hub.
Can you provide a picture of the gear? An overhead and side view would be great. Along with some dimensions or next to a quarter. Just something that can be used to measure scale
@Bobbert We would be able to do this for you. Check our hub out or email us at
JMO Technology